Friday, September 13, 2024
This Simple Breathing Advice From A Nobel Prize Winner Can Turn The Tables On Stress During The Coronavirus Lockdown

This Simple Breathing Advice From A Nobel Prize Winner Can Turn...

Getty “Just breathe” is basic advice that’s easy to ignore. But when dealing with increased stress—as we are during these strange pandemic weeks—simple, controlled breathing is one of the best tools available for getting a grip on our emotions and the effects of stress on our bodies. And it happens to be the one tool…
ENJOY: First-Ever Video Footage of a Lizard Breathing Underwater

ENJOY: First-Ever Video Footage of a Lizard Breathing Underwater

A Costa Rican river anole recently demonstrated an ability that was previously unknown in lizards. Credit: Smithsonian Channel Lizards can't breathe underwater — or can they? Footage of a river anole that was recently filmed in Costa Rica revealed that the species — Anolis oxylophus — possesses a highly unusual ability. The anoles breathe stored…
The Ground Appears like It’s ‘Breathing’ In This Video

The Ground Appears like It’s ‘Breathing’ In This Video

Share to facebook Share to twitter Share to linkedin In a video taken last week in Sacre-Coeur, province of Quebec in Canada, it almost looks like the earth is breathing, as the ground moves up and down. Air is involved in this illusion, as strong wind plays a role in moving the trees and the…

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