How to Manage Your Catastrophic Thinking
Catastrophic thinking can be extraordinarily hard to cope with. Whether it’s dealing with fears about your physical safety, the uncertainty of personal relationships, or the prospect of financial troubles, life can quickly feel far too big and out of control—while the worst-case scenarios, such as injury, financial ruin or the loss of a loved one,…
Apple Added Satellite Roadside Assistance to the iPhone
Last year, Apple unveiled Emergency SOS via satellite, an iPhone 14-exclusive feature that used satellite communications to connect you to emergency services. With the launch of the iPhone 15 and 15 Pro, Apple is expanding this Emergency SOS feature to include Roadside Assistance via satellite. Here’s how it works. The iPhone’s Roadside Assistance via satelliteLike…
How to Stop False Smoke Alarms When You’re Cooking
Smoke detectors: Can’t cook with them, won’t survive a midnight blaze without them. If you spend any time in the kitchen, a food-triggered false alarm has probably happened to you. But you can stop false smoke alarms without compromising fire safety.What causes your kitchen smoke alarms to go off when cooking?The simple answer to why…
Four Things You Need to Escape the Top Floor in a...
The very nature of emergencies means that they’re a surprise. That’s why having a “go bag” with essentials is a good idea—so you’ll have the basics if you need to evacuate in a hurry—and making changes to your house to make it safer during emergencies is a great idea. Something else you need to do…
The Best Way to Store Your Emergency Water Supply
Humans can live without a lot of things, but clean water isn’t one of them. And while you may have a few jugs of water stashed in a closet or your basement for emergency situations, would it be enough to sustain all the members of your household? And is it safe to drink? Here’s what…
The Safest Places to Be During a Tornado
Photo: sdecoret (Shutterstock)Tornados are deadly and unpredictable. You might have as long as an hour of warning before one strikes, or you might have only a few minutes. Either way, your life could depend on using that time to get to the most tornado-safe spot possible, whether you’re at home, outside, in your car, or…
The First Things to Do If a Natural Disaster Occurs While...
Part of the appeal of travel is getting to experience something new, but dealing with a natural disaster while on vacation isn’t exactly what most people have in mind. With extreme weather becoming increasingly common, you may already have a plan in place for dealing with an emergency evacuation in your area. But what should…
The Easiest, Laziest Way to Build a Fire
If you didn’t grow up camping, you may be surprised to find out that starting a campfire isn’t as easy as it looks in the cartoons. (My daughter recently tried rubbing two sticks together, earnestly believing this would start a fire. Spoiler: It doesn’t work like that). But if you’re hoping to quickly get a…
All the Ways You Should Stormproof Your Home
Photo: FotoKina (Shutterstock)If you live in an area that traditionally suffers horrific storms, your home was probably built to a high standard in order to survive the worst. But what if you’re in an area that is only now feeling the brunt of climate change-driven storm intensity? There are some steps you can take to…
The Best Way to Safely Put Out a Grease Fire
An oil inferno is pretty much the worst-case scenario in any kitchen, but do you know how to respond if a grease fire happens to you? Here’s what to use to safely and quickly put out a blaze on your stovetop.First: One of the most important things to remember is to never pour water onto…