Country music singer and philanthropist Dolly Parton has an unlikely new namesake: a 460 million-year-old moss which may have been among the first plants to grow on land. University of Oregon geologist Greg Retallack discovered the fossil imprints of Dollyphyton boucotil, along with several other species of mosses, lichens, small plants called liverworts, in 460 million-year-old rocks from eastern Tennessee. The rocks which held the fossils once lay just a few miles from Parton’s Dollywood theme park in Sevier County, Tennessee – which is how a country musician ends up with her name on an extinct moss species.

The rock slabs, dotted with the imprints of long-dead plants and animals, have a colorful history of their own. In 1942, the U.S. had just entered World War Two, and victory depended on millions of factory workers producing aircraft, tanks, ships, ammunition, uniforms, and more. Those factories needed more electricity. Part of the solution took the form of hydroelectric dams, like Douglas Dam on the French Broad River in Sevier County, Tennessee.

“At the outset of World War II, Congress approved the Douglas Dam Bill to provide power for the war effort—in particular, to produce the aluminum needed to build aircraft. TVA workers toiled day and night, and the dam was finished in just over a year,” explains the Tennessee Valley Authority’s website for the dam. “Work on Douglas Dam began in February 1942 and was completed on a crash schedule in just 12 months and 17 days—a world record for projects of equivalent size.”

And as TVA workers toiled, they unearthed huge slabs of rock that formed when North America was still part of a supercontinent called Laurentia, 460 million years ago. Back then, during what paleontologists call the Ordovician Period, shallow seas covered most of today’s land. Armored jawless fish called ostracoderms patrolled those seas, where trilobites bristled with spines and nodules to protect themselves from being eaten. Brachiopods – shelled animals that look, at first glance, like slightly odd clams – flourished along with colonies of tubelike filter-feeders called graptolites. The first coral reefs had begun to form, and relatives of modern starfish appeared.

It was a world dominated by the sea – but a few small, strange plants had begun to move onto land. And the Ordovician rocks of eastern Tennessee record the only evidence we have of those earliest land plants. A few section of the rock ended up at the University of Cincinnati and the Smithsonian Institution in the 1940s, and that’s where Retallack and his colleagues found them and took a closer look.

“It’s another example of how dusty old museum collections can produce truly extraordinary new finds,” he said in a recent statement to the press. Earlier paleontologists had spotted the tiny shapes of invertebrate animals in the rock, but Retallack was the first to find the plants. In a way, paleontologists had been looking for them for quite some time, though, because the sudden appearance of land plants left a mark on the world that nothing else could explain. But until recently, no one had found actual fossils of the plants themselves.

The collection of mosses, lichens, and liverworts would have been tiny things clinging to the land near shore. They’d mostly likely evolved from green algae, and like their modern relatives, they didn’t produce flowers or have complicated ways to move water around their bodies. But these humble little plants spelled doom for most of the life in the seas they’d left behind.

Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is why forests make such good carbon sinks. But when whole new kinds of plants suddenly moved from the land to the water, together they absorbed enough carbon dioxide to trigger drastic global cooling. Geologists and paleoclimate researchers have found evidence of ice ages in sediment and rocks dating back to around 447 to 444 million years ago, and paleontologists notice that most of the fossil species that defined the Ordovician vanish at around the same time. It’s the first mass extinction for which we have evidence, and it killed about 85% of life on Earth.

But some of those early land plants held on, and their descendants are all around us today. Some are still tiny, simple nonvascular plants, like mosses and liverworts and Japewiella dollypartoniana, an Appalachian lichen species discovered in 2015 and also named for Dolly Parton. Others evolved into the magnolia, dogwood, willow, and oak trees that fill her songs.

 Retallack published his findings in the journal The Paleobotanist.