Looking for the most recent Mini Crossword answer? Click here for today’s Mini Crossword hints, as well as our daily answers and hints for The New York Times Wordle, Strands, Connections and Connections: Sports Edition puzzles.

Sometimes I get thrown off by the NYT Mini Crossword answers that are more than one word. Since the grid doesn’t insert a space, I’m occasionally looking at a block of letters that don’t spell a word, and take me a minute to figure out. In today’s puzzle, 4-Down was like that. My mind kept wanting to make it into “ESSAY” until I realized there was a space implied between the fourth and fifth letter. Duh. Need some help with today’s Mini Crossword? Read on. And if you could use some hints and guidance for daily solving, check out our Mini Crossword tips.

The Mini Crossword is just one of many games in the Times’ games collection. If you’re looking for today’s Wordle, Connections and Strands answers, you can visit CNET’s NYT puzzle hints page.

Read more: Tips and Tricks for Solving The New York Times Mini Crossword

Let’s get at those Mini Crossword clues and answers.


The completed NYT Mini Crossword puzzle for Jan. 16, 2025.

NYT/Screenshot by CNET

Mini across clues and answers

1A clue: Square on a wall calendar, or a fun thing you might put on the calendar
Answer: DATE

5A clue: Social ___
Answer: MEDIA

6A clue: Tiny things studied by chemists
Answer: ATOMS

7A clue: Only one of the Seven Dwarfs without a beard
Answer: DOPEY

8A clue: Over the top, in slang
Answer: EXTRA

Mini down clues and answers

1D clue: Period of abstaining from unhealthy substances
Answer: DETOX

2D clue: Take in as one’s own
Answer: ADOPT

3D clue: Function in a Clock app
Answer: TIMER

4D clue: Class you might take to boost your G.P.A.
Answer: EASYA

5D clue: Like a bed with the covers tucked neatly in place
Answer: MADE

How to play more Mini Crosswords

The New York Times Games section offers a large number of online games, but only some of them are free for all to play. You can play the current day’s Mini Crossword for free, but you’ll need a subscription to the Times Games section to play older puzzles from the archives.