
Callichimaera perplexa is one oddball crab animal.

Daniel Ocampo R./ Vencejo Films.

When somebody names an animal “Callichimaera perplexa,” you understand it’s got to be cool as hell.

Callichimaera perplexa is a crab that lived 90 million to 95 million years back throughout the dinosaur age, however it’s not like today’s crabs that you may identify crawling around the ocean flooring (or resting on a supper plate). Paleontologist Javier Luque from the University of Alberta and Yale University compared the shellfishes to platypuses, the well-known egg-laying, duck-billed mammal.

” We began taking a look at these fossils and we discovered they had what appeared like the eyes of a larva, the mouth of a shrimp, claws of a frog crab, and the carapace of a lobster,” stated Luque, the lead author of a research study released in Science Advances

Callichimaera indicates “lovely chimera.” It’s a call-out to the chimera of Greek folklore, a monster comprised of parts of a lion, goat and snake.

Researchers found over 70 fossil specimens of the crab in the Andes Mountains in Colombia, a location that was a shallow sea throughout the Cretaceous Duration. The physiological information indicate a swimming-based way of life, unlike the crawling crabs these days.

The scientists created a 3D design of the ancient crab.

Javier Luque, et al.

The fossils are so well maintained, the scientists had the ability to make a 3D design that can be printed out.

” This discovery, from the mid-Cretaceous, shows that there are still unexpected discoveries of more current, odd organisms waiting to be discovered, particularly in the tropics,” stated Luque.

Unlike the legendary chimera, the water-dwelling Callichimaera perplexa didn’t breathe fire.