Solar panels are amazing pieces of tech that can save you money (and maybe even earn some) with no work past the installation process. One problem: Solar panels can look bulky and detract from the beautiful aesthetic of your home. Solar shingles are another option — they’re small solar panels that integrate into your roof to create a more discreet solar system. 

“A solar roof is where you have the [photovoltaic] system integrated into the roof design,” Bianca Howard, the director of the Building Energy Research Lab at Columbia University, told CNET. “So you’ve got the solar shingles, which are acting as the PV system, in terms of generating electricity, and also as a functional building material. So it’s got a dual purpose.”

I’ve spent countless hours digging through solar shingle specs and speaking with industry experts to get a better understanding of how a solar roof works and what really matters for homeowners who might be interested in this type of solar setup. I created a scoring methodology (more on this below) based on my findings to pick out which solar shingles stand out among the pack. While the market for this type of solar solution is small, it’s still important to compare your options. 

What is the best overall solar shingle?

Timberline Solar by GAF Energy is our top pick overall, mainly for it’s great efficiency and warranties. But the race for first place is very close. Even though they didn’t make the top spot, we still found Tesla Solar Roof and CertainTeed Solar to be solid options as well. Luma Solar scored lower than the rest, but we thought its ridiculously high wind rating at least warranted a mention. Here are our rankings for the best solar shingles.

Best solar shingles of 2024

Timberline Solar shingles sit flat to the roof because they’re part of the roof.

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Timberline Solar shingles sit flat to the roof because they’re part of the roof.

“,”imageCredit”:”GAF Energy”,”imageAltText”:”Timberline Solar shingles on a roof.”,”imageFilename”:”timberline-solar-pk-alp-210310-1904-rgb.jpg”,”imageWidth”:1152,”imageHeight”:780,”imageDoNotCrop”:false,”imageDoNotResize”:false,”imageWatermark”:false,”imageDateCreated”:”2023-02-10″,”imageParallax”:””,”imageCrop”:””,”imageEnlarge”:false}” overridecaption=”

Timberline Solar shingles sit flat to the roof because they’re part of the roof.

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GAF Energy

Timberline Solar by GAF Energy takes the top spot with its excellent warranties and efficiency ratings. GAF Energy offers three limited warranties with its solar roof: a 25-year product warranty against leaks and manufacturer defects, a 15-year wind warranty and 25-year power output warranty. The power output warranty guarantees that your solar roof’s performance won’t dip any lower than 98% after one year and won’t decrease by any more than 0.55% per year for the next 24 years. These shingles come with the highest efficiency we’ve found (23%) and a solid wind rating of 130 mph. The only thing holding GAF Energy back is its lower wattage per square foot (14.3).

“,”credits”:”CertainTeed”,”imageData”:{“id”:”01ace5bc-9393-4dde-8fa5-a8c2e4733ddd”,”filename”:”certainteed-solar-roof.jpg”,”path”:”″,”dateCreated”:{“date”:”2023-08-16 15:22:58.000000″,”timezone”:”UTC”,”timezone_type”:3},”primeColor”:null,”hasWarning”:false},”size”:””,”float”:””,”lightbox”:false,”imageUrl”:”″,”imageCaption”:”

“,”imageCredit”:”CertainTeed”,”imageAltText”:”certainteed solar shingles up close on a roof”,”imageFilename”:”certainteed-solar-roof.jpg”,”imageWidth”:550,”imageHeight”:309,”imageDoNotCrop”:false,”imageDoNotResize”:false,”imageWatermark”:false,”imageDateCreated”:”2023-08-16″,”imageParallax”:””,”imageCrop”:””,”imageEnlarge”:false}’ overridecaption=”

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CertainTeed might not be as well-known as Tesla or GAF, but it’s still a good solar roof option for your home. You’ll get three limited warranties: a 25-year product warranty that protects you from manufacturer defects, a 25-year power output warranty and a much shorter 10-year wind warranty. The company guarantees that your solar performance won’t fall below 98% after one year, and won’t decrease by any more than 0.55% per year for the following 24 years. CertainTeed Solar’s shingle wind rating is 110 mph, which is lower than others on this list. This solar roof also comes with a fairly average efficiency rating (19.85%) and a slightly higher wattage per square foot (16.1).

How long do solar shingles last?

The longevity of your solar roof depends on the manufacturer and the installer. But most solar roofs are designed to last between 20 and 30 years. This is comparable with traditional solar panels, which typically last 25 years or more. You should also check solar shingle warranties. If your solar roof is warranted for 25 years, that’s a good sign. Most solar shingle product warranties that we found lasted at least 25 years. However, there were some that only covered five or 10 years.

Can solar shingles cause leaks?

Yes, if not installed properly. You’ll want to select an installer that has a proven track record of installing solar on the type of home you’re in and the type of roof you have. If the job is done right, you shouldn’t have to worry about leaks. Some solar shingle manufacturers include water damage in their product or weatherization warranty. GAF Energy in particular promises fewer leaks than others.

How many solar shingles do you need?

You’ll need as many solar shingles as it takes to meet your home’s energy needs. Your installer will help conduct an energy audit to determine how many solar shingles you’ll need. Keep in mind that not every solar shingle on the market has the same wattage (or power output), and traditional solar panels offer a significantly higher wattage than an individual solar shingle.