Sunday, May 19, 2024
Song lyrics are getting more repetitive, angrier

Song lyrics are getting more repetitive, angrier

From ‘80s new wave to ‘90s grunge to the latest pop single, music has changed a lot over the decades. Those changes have come not only in terms of sound, though; lyrics have also evolved as time has passed. So what has changed about the lyrics we can’t get out of our heads? After analyzing…
‘Sound Bath’ Meditation Might Be Your New Favorite Meditation

‘Sound Bath’ Meditation Might Be Your New Favorite Meditation

After months and months of nonstop bad news, we’re all feeling run-down and looking for ways to destress and center ourselves. Have you considered meditation? Sound baths can help you stay focused during meditation—and you can even do them at home. Here’s how.Start by embracing basic meditation“Meditation is simply a practice to bring you within…
How to Avoid Transition-Based Tantrums

How to Avoid Transition-Based Tantrums

Photo: Anna Kraynova (Shutterstock)Toddlers throw tantrums for all kinds of reasons, both logical and illogical. A fit could be thrown for the understandable reason that they’re simply tired at the end of a long day, or they could be fine one second and ultra-pissed that you dared to pour their milk into the green cup…
Why Nobody Can Agree on Fitness Advice

Why Nobody Can Agree on Fitness Advice

Photo: Asier Romero (Shutterstock)You don’t have to go far to find conflicting advice about what to do in the gym. Some people will tell you not to do certain exercises at all; others will debate minutiae like how straight your elbows should be at the top of a press. Encountering diametrically opposing viewpoints can be…
How would an AI turn out if you raised it like a child?

How would an AI turn out if you raised it like...

ChatGPT, arguably the most famous chatbot ever, learned its sometimes human-like conversational skills by parsing through absurd amounts of text data—millions of books, articles, Wikipedia pages, and everything else its creators could find by crawling around the Internet. But what if an advanced AI could learn the way a little kid does, without reading 80…
How and Why to Do Barbell Squats

How and Why to Do Barbell Squats

Illustration: Sam WoolleySquats are one of the very best exercises for your legs, and nearly everybody who lifts heavy weights regularly does some form of squat. But perhaps you’ve heard that squats are bad for your knees, or that you need to do squats in a certain specific way to avoid injury. Let’s break down…
What to Do If Someone Starts an Online Rumor About You

What to Do If Someone Starts an Online Rumor About You

Photo: Alexander_Safonov (Shutterstock)When someone starts a rumor about you at school or work, it can be a harrowing experience. The false allegations might make their way around the institution, or even travel to other schools or companies, embarrassing you at every step of the way. But when someone starts a rumor about you online, it…
How to Teach Yourself to Try (and Like) New Foods

How to Teach Yourself to Try (and Like) New Foods

“Picky” eating isn’t just for kids. There are plenty of adults who steer clear of certain ingredients or dishes for a variety of reasons. Whether you grew up somewhere without many diverse cuisine options, were raised in a culture or religion that kept you away from particular foods, or just straight-up hate olives, there are…
The Difference Between a Cover Letter and a Letter of Interest

The Difference Between a Cover Letter and a Letter of Interest

According to Zety, a service that creates professional communication templates, you use a cover letter to accompany your resume when you’re applying to a specific job, and use a letter of interest to put yourself forward for a job that isn’t advertised. Essentially, you’re pitching yourself to a company of interest, telling them your qualifications,…
How to Manage Sibling Rivalries

How to Manage Sibling Rivalries

Photo: Patrik Stanek (Shutterstock)If you have more than one child, you have probably noticed that they don’t always get along. Especially now, with both winter weather and a pandemic keeping us largely together at home, the rivalries among siblings may have reached a height that previously seemed unfathomable. The bad news is: Sibling rivalries are…

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