Wednesday, May 1, 2024
A Quick Radio Burst has actually Lastly Been Traced Back to its Source: the Borders of a Galaxy 4 Billion Light-Years Away

A Quick Radio Burst has actually Lastly Been Traced Back to...

Fast-Radio Bursts (FRBs) are one of the most puzzling phenomena facing astronomers today. Essentially, FRBs are brief radio emissions from distant astronomical sources whose cause remains unknown. In some cases, FRBs that have been detected that have been repeating, but most have been one-off events. And while repeating sources have been tracked back to their…
Big dish of Arecibo observatory has reached the end of the line

Big dish of Arecibo observatory has reached the end of the...

Enlarge / An aerial view of the Arecibo facility, showing the increasingly fragile cables supporting the instrument platform, as well as the gash caused when one of those cables failed. Today, the National Science Foundation announced that its famed Arecibo radio observatory would be shut down. Built into a hilltop in Puerto Rico, the main…
Australian astronomers have actually had the ability to double the variety of strange quick radio bursts found up until now

Australian astronomers have actually had the ability to double the variety...

Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) have become a major focus of research in the past decade. In radio astronomy, this phenomenon refers to transient radio pulses coming from distant cosmological sources, which typically last only a few milliseconds on average. Since the first event was detected in 2007 (the “Lorimer Burst”), thirty four FRBs have been…
Wish To Discover Aliens? The Largest Dataset in the History of SETI has actually Been Launched to the general public

Wish To Discover Aliens? The Largest Dataset in the History of...

In 2016, Russian billionaire Yuri Milner launched Breakthrough Initiatives, a massive non-profit organization dedicated to the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (SETI). A key part of their efforts to find evidence of intelligent life is Breakthrough Listen, a $100 million program that is currently conducting a survey of one million of the nearest stars and the…
A Supercomputer has actually been Developed to run the World’s Largest Radio Telescope

A Supercomputer has actually been Developed to run the World’s Largest...

When complete, the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will be the largest radio telescope array in the entire world. The result of decades of work involving 40 institutions in 11 countries, the SKA will allow astronomers to monitor the sky in unprecedented detail and survey it much faster than with any system currently in existence. Such…

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